Pedro Sousa

Pedro holds a PhD in Economics (ISEG, University of Lisbon). Developing its activity mainly inside the Criminology Department, he is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (FDUP), where he is the Director of the School of Criminology and member of the Scientific Council of FDUP and of its Representatives Board.
He gives lectures at the Bachelor’s degree in Criminology, at the Master’s degree in criminology and at the Master’s Degree in Law. He has been teaching in Portugal and abroad courses on Statistics, Methodology, Organized Crime, Economics, and Game Theory. Currently, he develops research in Criminology and specifically on the following topics: economic and financial crimes; organized crime; costs of crime; relationships between tax authority and taxpayers; sentencing studies; and evaluation research of intervention programs in crime and justice. He publishes regularly on those topics in peer-review journals and gives talks in conferences mainly abroad. He served the European Society of Criminology as a member of the Executive Board. And at this date, he is the principal investigator at the research project MiscRISK and is member of the European Society of Criminology, of the American Society of Criminology and of the EUROC (European working group on Organizational Crime). He is affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Crime, Justice and Security (CJS) and with the Centre for Law Research (CIJ).
Ana Guerreiro

Ana has a Ph.D. in Criminology with a FCT Fellowship at FDUP – Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (2019-2021), through the Research Centre on Crime, Justice and Security (CJS). She is Assistant Professor at UMaia – University of Maia (since 2015), FDUP – School of Criminology, University of Porto (since 2022) and UPM – Military Polytechnic Unit (2021-2022).
Her main research areas are gender violence, gender studies, organized crime and prevention policies. She is the Director of the Research Unit in Criminology and Behavioral Sciences (since september, 2022) and researcher of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Crime, Justice and Security (CJS, School of Criminology of the University of Porto). Ana is also member of the European Society of Criminology, the European Gender, Crime and Justice, the European Working group on Organizational Crime (EUROC), ESC Working Group on Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making, European Network on Gender and Violence and Portuguese Association of Criminology. She was Research Projects Manager at the School of Criminology of the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (2018-2019) and Criminologist at UMAR (a Portuguese NGO), from 2014-2018. These activities brought her experience on several national and international projects focused on gender-based violence prevention. She also has several national and international publications in scientific journals, books and book chapters.
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